Validation of a modified version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ12) in Spain

Nia Djourova, Isabel Rodriguez, Laura Lorente-Prieto


Background: Previous studies have found some limitations and inconsistencies in the functioning of the short Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ12), suggesting the need to improve it. The objective of the current study is to validate a modified version of the PCQ12 in Spain.

 Method: The sample consists of 792 employees from 42 Spanish organizations. A cross-validation was carried out to test the factorial validity of the modified scale. Reliability and convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity were also tested. 

 Results: The modified PCQ12 showed good psychometric qualities. A four-factor structure showed a better fit to the data than the original second-order structure.

Conclusions: Overall, our study supports the modified PCQ12 as an improved instrument for measuring Psychological Capital in the Spanish context.

Palabras clave

Psychological capital; questionnaire; validation; scale

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